Friday, July 24, 2015

problems on percentage

Q as a percentage of P is equal to P as a percentage of (P + Q). Find Q as a percentage of P.

A. 62%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 66%

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Two students appear in an examination. One of them secured 9 marks more than the  
other and his marks was 56% of the sum of their marks. What are the marks obtained by them?   
A. 42, 33
B. 42, 36          C. 44, 33           D. 44, 36

Problems on Percentage STD VII

A student has to obtain 33% of the total marks to pass. He has got 125 marks and has failed by 40 marks. The maximum marks for the exam are:

A. 600           B. 500             C. 400           D. 300

last minute guess paper of brihan-mumbai-ganit-adhyapak-mandal

STD V IPM Mega Final

STD V            IPM Mega Final                     45 mins

Friday, July 17, 2015

Monday, July 13, 2015

Another Teaser on Area

Find the Area of rectangle ABCD
given area of triangle AOC = 40 m2
and area of triangle BOD = 30% of area of Rectangle ABCD

Teaser on Area

Find the Area of rectangle ABCD
given area of triangle AOC = 60 m2
and area of triangle AOB = 40% of area of Rectangle ABCD

Friday, July 10, 2015

guys you need a break, with who else but LOBO

scratch your brains guys....this is interesting

Nanu's Grandfather's age is a 2 digit number and her father's age is reverse of her grandfather's age. Nanu's age is 4 times the difference in age between her grandfather and her father. What is Nanu's age.

answer 9 years

Friday, July 3, 2015

Saturday, June 27, 2015

politics at college

Speech written for an aspiring politician invited for a motivational speech for college passouts.

I am honoured to be with you on this august occasion.

You stand at the cusp of time when patterns will give away to uncertainty, don’t worry throw open

the window and see the world as it unfolds. There will be no syllabus to limit you, in-fact a

lot of people get paid for thinking (some call them ideators).  The Barometer that you got used to as

yardstick to measure your performance in class will change. Performance will be measured by

effectiveness and not efficiency. It will be measured by your ability to out-think your competition,

yes it will be true “survival of the fittest”.

You cannot connect the dots going forward you can only do it looking backwards....... So trust your

instincts......out of chaos emerges order. When you decide to do something, the world conspires to

make it happen; yes the roads may be uncharted but then if you follow the beaten part you will

reach where others have reached before...... so don’t fear to take the plunge...... dream because if you

can’t then how will your dreams come true.

Steve jobs used to walk 7 miles to the Hare Krishna Temple to get a free meal, and he preferred to

stay hungry (pun intended) till the last day of his life. Bill Gates was negotiating with a giant like IBM for PC when he didn’t even have the blueprint of the PC he would like to sell them. When our own Infosys was going through difficult times the founders wanted to sell Infosys for a Million Dollars......NRN put his feet down saying that if that has to happen then he would buy it. Seeing NRN’s confidence in the company nobody ever talked of walking out any more, and we have Infosys where it stands today.

Don’t try to be sure of everything that you do or intent to do. This is real life not your college; all or

most of creativity and innovation comes out of restlessness to find something. So, stay hungry.

Don’t do what you like rather like what you do. Yes you may end up with a hard landing sometimes,

but don’t lose faith. Please remember your work is going to be a large part of your life, and so if you

don’t enjoy doing whatever you are doing the journey will be painful, boring and tiresome.

I wish you all the best in this new journey. Look good, stay bright and keeping asking yourself every

day, have I learnt something new. The insatiable desire to learn will lead you to explore new horizons and go where no Mangalorian has ever gone before.

Bon Voyage

IPM Mega Final / MTSE/ MAT Practice Paper

IPM Mega Final / MTSE/ MAT Practice Paper
1 hour Paper

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Coordinate Geometry - Singapore Maths Olympiad

Let A and B be points that lie on the parabola y = x2 such that both are at a distance of 8√2 units from the line y = -x – 4. Find the square of distance between A and B


Given an equilateral triangle, what is the ratio of the area of circumscribed circle to the are of its inscribed circle?

Sets and Relations - Singapore Maths Olympiad

Suppose that a function M(n), where n is a +ve integer, is defined by
M(n) = n - 10 for n > 100
M(n) = M(M(n +11) for n ≤ 100
How many solutions does the equation M(n) = 91 have?



Dear Parents
 if you have maths competition question papers of any Std, please share for the benefit of all. you may send it on what's app on 9820808161.

Thank you



Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Will some of you like to please share the question papers of maths competitive exams like IPM, MTSE, IMO etc. that you have.
It will benefit all including you sometime in future.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Singapore maths Olympiad

Let a,b,c,d be real numbers such that a2 + b2 + 2a – 4b + 4 = 0 and c2 + d2 – 4c + 4d + 4 = 0.

Let m and M be minimum and Maximum value of (a – c)2 + (b – d)2 respectively. What is m x M.

Singapore maths olympiad, number

If a1, a2, a3, .............. a2011 are positive integers such that (a1 + a2 + .....a2011) = a1.a2.....a2011

Then find the max value of (a1 + a2 + .....a2011)

Singapore maths Olympiad

Find the largest positive integer ‘n’ such that (n + 10) is a divisor of n3 + 2011

Singapore maths Olympiad, Numbers

Let 'n' be the smallest positive integer such that the sum of its digits is 2011. how many digits does 'n' have?

Probability, Singapore Maths Olympiad

A fair dice is thrown 3 times. the results of the first, second and the third throw are recorded as x, y and z respectively. Suppose x + y = z. What is the probability that one of x,y,z is atleast 2?

Singapore Maths Olympiad

Singapore Maths Olympiad

Singapore Maths Olympiad

If it is known that the roots of the equation are all integers, how many distinct roots does the equation have?

x5 + 3x4 – 4044118x3 – 12132362x2 – 12132363x - 20112 = 0

Singapore maths Olympiad

Singapore maths Olympiad

If x = 10000..................................0001000.............................00050
                      2011 times                              2012 times

Which of the following is a perfect square?

a) x - 75  b) x - 25   c) x + 25    d) x + 75

Singapore Maths Olympiad

Singapore maths Olympiad

Singapore Maths Olympiad, Algebra

Singapore maths Olympiad, algebra

 Singapore maths Olympiad

Singapore maths Olympiad algebra

If a, b, and c are real numbers and positive, and if 
a2 + ab + b2 = 25, 
b2 + bc + c2 = 49 and 
c2 + ca + a2 = 64 
Find the value of (a + b + c)2                                                        Singapore Maths Olympiad

Saturday, June 13, 2015

miscellaneous example

Find the integral  roots of the equation:
x3  +8x2 + 13x + 6 = 0

show  { √5 + 2}1/3 - { √5 - 2}1/3 = 1

Find the integral roots of the equation:

Find the integral  roots of the equation:

x3  - 10x2 + 27x - 18 = 0

Find the roots of the equation:

Find the roots of the equation:

y4  - 2y3 - 21y2 +22y + 40 = 0

Find the integral roots of the equation:

Find the integral  roots of the equation:

x4  + 4x3 + 8x + 32 = 0

Finding the Rational roots for the equation:

Find the Rational roots for the equation:

32 y3 - 6y - 1 = 0

Rational roots for the equation

Find the Rational roots for the equation:

6y3 -11y2 + 6y - 1 = 0

Monday, June 1, 2015

Maths Challenging questions

shoot me the answer of this question

Passengers are queuing  outside the Railway Station at a Constant Rate. If the railway authorities open up 3 gates, it takes 9 minutes to clear the queue. If instead the railway authorities were to open 5 gates, the queue would have got cleared in 5 minutes. How many minutes before opening of the gates did the first passenger arrive outside the station.

IPM Mega Final - STD VI - 2011

Mega Final - STD VI - 2011

IPM mega test papers - STD VI - 2010

IPM mega test papers - STD VI - 2010

IPM mega final paper - 2009 - STD VI

IPM mega final paper - 2009 - STD VI

std VI mega final papers - 2008

std VI mega final papers - 2008

Mega final test paper for STD VII

Mega final test paper for STD VII

Mega final test paper for STD VIII

Mega final practice paper for STD VIII

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thank you so much Chhavi. I really appreciate your effort. It will help everyone.
you have been so kind.
I will certainly post all of them.

Dear sir, 
I would like to contribute to your blog the  IPM megafinal question papers for class 6 of the years 2008,2009,2010,2011. And sir, I request you to post some class 7 Ipm MEGAFINAL past years question papers as I really need them. I would forever be thankful for this help of yours.
                                                                                                                                                                                              THANKING YOU,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         CHHAVI G.
Thank you Chhavi for your kind words.

Dear Sir,
I am a student of class 7 and I was deeply impressed by your blog. It contains all what a student needs to prepare for maths competitive examinations.I myself found your practice questions and papers useful. But sir, I think the no. of class 7 IPM megafinal papers is very less. I would be very pleased if you could kindly post some IPM megafinal past question papers of class 7 like you've done for class 4. It would be very helpful for me.
                                                                                                                                                                                           YOURS SINCERELY,                                                                                                                                                                                                           Chhavi Gupta

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mega Final IPM STD VII Practice Paper

Problem on CLOCK

The clock gets slower by a minute in one hour. The clock is adjusted to correct time at 7 am. What is the standard time when the clock shows 12 noon.

Problem on CLOCK

At what time will the hour arm and the minute arm coincide. The hour arm is between 7 and 8.

Problems on CLOCK

At what time will the hour arm be diametrically opposite to the minute arm.  The hour arm is between 7 and 8.

Problems on CLOCK

At what times is the angle between the hour arm and the minute arm at 60 degree. The hour arm is between 6 and 7.

Problems on CLOCK

When is the first time, the angle between the minute arm and the hour arm equal to 30o. The hour arm is between 3 and 4.

Problems on CLOCK

What is the angle between the minute arm and the hour arm at 10:30 pm?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

JMO / IPM mega / STD IX

Find the area enclosed by the egg. AB is the diameter. AB = BC = AD. O is the centre of the circle. consider the radius AO to be 1 unit.


(3 - √2)Ï€ - 1

IPM mega final STD VII practice paper

IPM Mega final Question Paper (STD VII)

  • What is value of the digits in the units place of the following:
           1 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 9 x 11 x 13 x .............. 2007 x 2009
  • nanu and Shruti are running on a circular track. Nanu is at point A and Shruti is at point B. AB represents the diameter of the circular path. If they run in the same direction it will take them 280 secs to meet and if they run in the opposite direction it will take them 40 secs to meet. What is the ratio of speed of Nanu and Shruti.
  • If a and b are whole numbers, then find a and b for the following expression:
          3a + 8b = 47
  • Between 1 and 2009, how many numbers are multiple of 5 or 7 and 5 and 7?
  • Nanu travels from Thane to Mumbai at a constant speed of 20 m/s and then returns from Mumbai to thane at 40/3 m/s. What was the average speed of the vehicle for the whole journey?
  • Find the value of 20082009 x 20092008 - 20082008 x 20092009
  • How many 3 digit numbers have the sum of the digits equal to 4.
  • If nanu travels at 60 km/hr she arrives at 3:00 pm. If she travels at 80 km/hr she arrives at 1:00 pm. What should be her speed if she wishes to arrive at 2:00 pm?
  • In the figure given below E and F are the midpoints of AD and DC respectively. ABCD is a rectangle. Find the area of the shaded region.

  • The distance between 2 points A and B is decreasing by 10% per sec. WHat is the distance remaining in percentage after 3 secs
  • At 10% rate of interest per annum, the difference between compound interest and simple interest is Rs 100 for a period of 2 years.What is the Principal?


5, 4:3, a = 5, b = 4, 630 and 57, 57.6 km/hr, 10000, 10, 68 4/7 km/hr, 110 cm2 , 72.9%, Rs 10000

Monday, April 20, 2015


Find the value of:
(64 - 12)2 + 4 x 64 x 12 = ?

A. 5246

B. 4406
C. 5126
D. 5776


How many 3 digit numbers are completely divisible 6 ?
A. 146
B. 148
C. 150
D. 152

Profit and loss

A reduction of 10% in the price of a pen enabled a trader to purchase 9 more for Rs.540. What is the reduced price of the pen?
A. 8
B. 6
C. 5
D. 4

Sunday, March 8, 2015

puzzle, JMO

There are three temples and one pond before each temple. One person carries some flowers and dips it in the first pond. Number of flowers become 100 times. He then offers some flowers in the first temple.He goes with the balance to second pond and takes a dip. Again the number of flowers increases by 100 times. He offers the same number of flowers at second temple and leaves with the balance  flowers to the third pond. There after the dip the number of flowers increase by 100 times. He offers same number of flowers at temple 3 and nothing remains with him afterwards. So how many flowers did he have in the beginning.

Monday, March 2, 2015