Sunday, May 3, 2015

IPM mega final STD VII practice paper

IPM Mega final Question Paper (STD VII)

  • What is value of the digits in the units place of the following:
           1 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 9 x 11 x 13 x .............. 2007 x 2009
  • nanu and Shruti are running on a circular track. Nanu is at point A and Shruti is at point B. AB represents the diameter of the circular path. If they run in the same direction it will take them 280 secs to meet and if they run in the opposite direction it will take them 40 secs to meet. What is the ratio of speed of Nanu and Shruti.
  • If a and b are whole numbers, then find a and b for the following expression:
          3a + 8b = 47
  • Between 1 and 2009, how many numbers are multiple of 5 or 7 and 5 and 7?
  • Nanu travels from Thane to Mumbai at a constant speed of 20 m/s and then returns from Mumbai to thane at 40/3 m/s. What was the average speed of the vehicle for the whole journey?
  • Find the value of 20082009 x 20092008 - 20082008 x 20092009
  • How many 3 digit numbers have the sum of the digits equal to 4.
  • If nanu travels at 60 km/hr she arrives at 3:00 pm. If she travels at 80 km/hr she arrives at 1:00 pm. What should be her speed if she wishes to arrive at 2:00 pm?
  • In the figure given below E and F are the midpoints of AD and DC respectively. ABCD is a rectangle. Find the area of the shaded region.

  • The distance between 2 points A and B is decreasing by 10% per sec. WHat is the distance remaining in percentage after 3 secs
  • At 10% rate of interest per annum, the difference between compound interest and simple interest is Rs 100 for a period of 2 years.What is the Principal?


5, 4:3, a = 5, b = 4, 630 and 57, 57.6 km/hr, 10000, 10, 68 4/7 km/hr, 110 cm2 , 72.9%, Rs 10000

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