When we divide 333435 by 34 the remainder is a and when we divide 333534 by 34 the remainder is b. What is the value of b – a?
333534 = 34p + b --------------------------------(1)
333435 = 34q + a --------------------------------(2)
Subtracting 2 from 1
99 = 34(p- q) + (b - a)
since p and q are integers, so, p - q is also an integer.
p - q can have the value of 2 only.
therefore, (b - a) = 99 - 34x2 = 31
333534 = 34p + b --------------------------------(1)
333435 = 34q + a --------------------------------(2)
Subtracting 2 from 1
99 = 34(p- q) + (b - a)
since p and q are integers, so, p - q is also an integer.
p - q can have the value of 2 only.
therefore, (b - a) = 99 - 34x2 = 31
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