If 2356 is divided by 11 what is the Remainder?
2356 = (11 + 12)56 = 1156 +
56.1155.12…… + 56.11.1255 + 1256
Now, 2356/11 = [1156 + 56.1155.12……
+ 56.11.1255 + 1256] / 11
All the terms are divisible by 11 except 1256
Now, 12 56 = (11 + 1)56 = [1156
+ 56.1155.1…… + 56.11.155 + 156]
All the terms are divisible by 11 except the last term, i.e.
156 = 1
So, 1256/11 has Remainder = 1
So, answer is 1.
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