Saturday, September 27, 2014

JMO - division

If P =1234567891011.............9989991000

find the Remainder when the first 1000 digits are divided by 16.

JMO - number

If P =1234567891011.............9989991000

Find the 1000th digit from the left

Friday, September 26, 2014


Two prime numbers A,(A<B) are called twin primes if they differ by 2.
Also, any prime number greater than 3 will be in the form of 6x+1 or 6x1.

Eg. of twin prime

eg. of prime numbers with 6x + 1
7,13, 19, 31, 37, 43, 61.......
eg. of prime numbers with 6x - 1
5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 41.......

JMO - division

What is the Remainder when 231 is divided by 5?

JMO - division

When a certain number is divided by 222, it leaves a remainder of 35, another number when divided by 407 leaves a remainder 47. What is the remainder when the sum of these two numbers is divided by 37?

JMO --- numbers

Find the value of M and N respectively if M39048458N is divisible by 8 and 11, where M and N are single digit integers?

JMO - division

Find the remainder when 7187 is divided by 800.


What is the Remainder in  75 ÷ 6


What is the difference between the units place in (461461 - 456456) ?


With the 5 digits 3,4,5,6 and 7, how many possible numbers can be formed which is divisible by 11.

JMO, numbers

In the number 259260261262263....490491492. How many 8's are there?

numbers, JMO

Nanu wrote all the numbers from 200 to 300. Then she started counting the number of two's that has been used while writing all these numbers. What is the number that she will get?

JMO, numbers

How many keystrokes are needed to type numbers from 1 to 2000 on a standard keyboard?


For what value of 'n' will the remainder of 351n and 352n be the same when divided by 7?

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Suppose n is an integer such that the sum of digits on n is 2, and 1010<n<1011. The number of different values of n is:


The least common multiple of two natural numbers a and b, is 399. What is the minimum possible sum of the digits of the number a(given a > b)?


What is the unit's digit of the number 62564256


What is the remainder when 91+92+93+....+98 is divided by 6?


Find the remainder when 3164 is divided by 162


How many natural numbers below 860 are divisible by 5 and 11 but not by 3