Wednesday, September 3, 2014

JMO - numbers

If you have an operator (!) such that:
1! = 1
2! = 2 x 1
3! = 3 x 2 x 1
And it is also given that 0! = 1
You are given 4 zeros. Can you get a value of 24. You can use the operator as many times as you want.


The intensity of light is measured in Lux. It is found that the intensity of light varies as the inverse square of the distance between light source and point of measurement.
if at 10 meters, the intensity is 100 lux, what is the intensity of the light at 15 meter distance.


Refer to the path followed by the ball in the diagram below. every time the ball hits the ground it looses 20% of its energy. what is the energy left in the ball just after it hits the ground for the third time.

Monday, September 1, 2014


Ladoos of radius 5 cm rest are stacked in the fashion shown above for the Ganesh Chaturthi. what is the area of the shaded region.


 wooden cubes of unit cross section (1 cm x 1 cm) are used to keep the pipe in place as shown above. What is the horizontal distance between the two cubes.


find the coordinates of point of contact between the bigger and the smaller circle.


The 2 circles of radius "r" are resting on a horizontal plan. A smaller circle is housed in the gap of the two bigger circles as shown. What is the radius of the smaller circle?

Saturday, August 30, 2014

time and work

two pipes running together can fill up a cistern in 40/13 mins. If one pipe takes 3 mins more than the other to fill the cistern, find the time in which each time would fill the cistern?

distance and speed

Two trains leave the railway station at the same time. One train is travelling due north and the other due east. The first train is 5 km/hr faster than the second train. If after 2 hours, the trains are 50 km apart, what is the speed of each train?


The sum of the areas of two circles is 116Ï€ cm2 (refer diagram below). the centre of the circles is 6 cm apart. find the radius of the circles.

Friday, August 29, 2014

food for thought

hello everyone, if you are from India then I wish you happy Ganesh Chaturthi.

I was toying with the idea of handpicking video tutorials that qualify under the following heading:

  1. content 
  2. clarity of concept
  3. presentation
  4. throw and accent of the speaker
  5. the pace at which the subject unfolds
  6. examples to elucidate the point.
Although it might sound very innocuous, but it turns out to be very time taking given the vast mine of data available on the internet.

I feel it will help the parents by fulfilling manifold purposes, namely;
  • know that the content is reliable
  • children don't have to mine through the youtube endlessly, so that would save a lot of time.
  • it will increase the effectiveness of learning and at the same time reduce the load (because most videos are for 7 to 10 mins duration)
kindly share your thought in this matter.

happy reading


profit and loss

A shopkeeper buys an article at a rebate of 20% on the printed price. He spends Rs 100 on the transportation of the article. After charging a sales tax of 6% on the printed price, he sells the article at Rs 1060. Find the profit percentage.

quadratic equation

in a positive fraction, the denominator is greater than the numerator by 3. If 1 is subtracted from both the numerator and denominator, the fraction is decreased by 1/14. Find the fraction.

time and work

Pipe A can fill a tank in 3 hours less than pipe B. they together can fill the tank in 6 hours and 40 mins. find the time each tank will take to fill the tank.

distance and speed

The speed of a boat in still water is 11 km/hr. It can go 12 km upstream and return downstream to the original point in 2 hours and 45 mins. Find the speed of the stream.

profit and loss

By selling an article for Rs 24 the profit percentage made is equal to the cost price of the article. Find the cost price of the article.

Answer: Rs 20.

remainder theorem

Without actually dividing prove that x4 + 2x3 – 2x2 + 2x – 3 is exactly divisible by x2 + 2x – 3