Wednesday, July 16, 2014

MAT / IPM Mega Finals practice paper Std. V / Std. VI

MAT / IPM Mega Finals practice paper Std. V/STD VI

last 15 questions of MAT

1.       Nanu has $25 with her. The exchange rate of US dollar to Indian Rupee is Rs 60. The exchange rate of Euro to Indian Rupee is Rs 85. How much money does Nanu have in Euro?
a)      17.64 Euro   b)  1500Euro       c)  2125 Euro       d) 35.41 Euro
2.       Choose the correct answer:
S = (3 + 6 + 9 +..........20 terms), Then the Value of S is  
a)      630                 b)   693                 c)  720                   d)   570
3.       A, B and C have Rs 507 between them. B and C together have Rs 345 and C and A together have Rs 305. How much does C have?
           a) 212                    b) 202                    c) 143                    d) 162
4.       The ages of Nanu and Bhanu are in the ratio 5:7. Four years from now the ratio of their ages will be 3:4. Find their present ages.
           a)18,28                 b) 20, 26               c) 20,28                 d) 18,26
5.       The denominator of a rational number is greater than its numerator by 8. If the numerator is increased by 17 and the denominator is decreased by 1, the number obtained is 3/2. Find the rational number.
a)      14/22             b)  13/20              c)  14/21               d) 13/21
6.       If cost price of 5 eggs is equal to the selling price of 6 eggs find the gain or loss percentage?
a)      20% gain      b)  16.67% loss   c)  20% loss         d)  16.67% gain
7.       The sum of 3 consecutive multiples of 8 is 888. Find the smallest number?
a)      304                 b) 312                    c) 296                    d) 288
8.       If you subtract ½ from a number and multiply the result by ½, you get 1/8. What is the Number?
a)      1                      b) 5/4                    c) 4/5                     d) 3/4
9.       In the year 2012, Mrs. Gokhale celebrated her 20th marriage anniversary on the 163rd day of the year. On which of the date did she marry?
a)      11th June 1992 b) 10th June 1991  c) 12th June 1991      d) 11th June 1993
10.   A sells a Car to B at a profit of 20%, B sells it to C at a profit of 25%. If C pays Rs 3000, what did A pay for it?
a)      1500               b) 2000                 c) 1800                  d)  2200
11.   A can do a certain job in 12 days. B is 60% more efficient than A, B can do the work alone in
a)      19.2 days     b) 16.8 days        c) 7.5 days           d)  8.57 days
12.   The difference of two numbers is 15. If both the numbers are increased by 15% then what will be the difference between the two new numbers thus formed?
a)    20               b) 16.5                  c) 17.25              d) 15
13.   Between 1 to 1000, how time does 2 appear in the numbers?
a)      300                 b)  301                   c) 302                    d) 401
14.   A sum of money doubles itself in 5 years SI. In how many years will it quadruple itself?
a)      20 years       b)  10 years         c) 12 years           d) 15 years
15.   A and B start at noon from two towns 60 km apart, A's rate of walking being twice B's. If they take 5 hours before they meet, find their rates of walking.

a)      A=8, B =3 km/h         b) A = 8, B = 4 km/h         c) A = 9, B = 3 km/hr        d) A = 9, B = 4 km/h

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